After a very quiet but nevertheless enjoyable break, Electra’s management team share what they are looking forward to in 2021.
Donna McWilliams – Managing Director (UK)
I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this year we finally get to take up residence in our new offices in Albyn Place and get to see more of our team and clients again face to face.
I feel incredibly lucky that we have some great projects to be working on this year in UK and Calgary. 2020 gave us so many opportunities to work in new ways and deliver training differently, so I can’t wait to see how much further we can take what we have learned and continue to improve.
We spent the last year with a strategic focus on branding and marketing and the whole team are excited with our new look and feel. Check out our website for a sneak peek of what we have been working on.
Neil Summers – VP – North American Operations (Canada)
The continuation of Employee-led learning where employees lead their own learning by creating personalized learning paths to help develop in their current role, next role and future role. Our PACE program is a great example of this.
Increased trend towards Microlearning where learners view bite-sized chunks of learning content which is easily digestible via podcasts, blogs, eLearning, videos etc.
Beth Shand – Bespoke Delivery Manager (UK)
I’m excited to see how the world of IT moves forward again this year, with every change that happens, we as a company have the opportunity to learn and progress and I think that’s an exciting privilege we have in the world of learning and development!
This year, for me, is about stabilising and growing, so much has happened in the past 12 months for people in every area of life that I feel 2021 is a good time to cement the awesome working practices we’ve formed in the past year and use them to strengthen our business and internal processes without that constant change that we felt in 2020. We’ve made huge strides in our automation and streamlining of processes and I feel now is a great time to continue that growth both for us as a company and for our clients.
2021 is a whole 12 months of working with the best team a girl could wish for and that’s exciting!
Allison Quinn – Delivery Manager (Canada)
Seeing some of our current project come to fruition with end users being able to successfully translate their new learned skills is something I look forward to every year.
Our new “working from home” has really been a benefit in so many ways especially with us being more cognoscente to schedule invaluable collaboration time.
I really want to continue my own skill development to be able to put back into Electra and pay back the trust they’ve put in me.
Roger Laycock – Delivery Manager (Canada)
The challenges of this past year have given us the opportunity to do things differently and this is a good thing! In 2021 I am looking forward to our team getting back to some face-to-face training (if possible) while taking advantages of the efficiencies we have learned training remotely. Having a good blend of both will be an absolute win for our clients. I’m also looking forward to the continual improvement and development of our great team.