Assessment and Achievement
Assessing the progress and understanding of your learners is critical in ensuring your training material and events are not only informative but effective.

The learning platform that we offer has a range of assessment options from a powerful inbuilt quiz engine to more formal assignment submissions. You can also load assessments developed with popular third-party authoring tools and send scores and completion information to a central course gradebook.

  • Boost learner engagement with a range of question types
  • Increase efficiencies with sharable question banks
  • Automate the assessment and evaluation process with response-tailored feedback
  • Assess learner tasks in greater depth with a customisable assignment tool
  • Recognise achievement with digital badges and customisable certificates
  • For submission-based assessments, online and offline assignments can be managed and graded through the system.
  • With customisable submission requirements including word or file limits, deadlines and number of attempts alongside workflows and guidelines around marking and final grades, the assignment tool provides course managers with an automated and distributed grading system.
  • We feature a sophisticated quiz builder where course managers can create predefined or randomly generated quizzes pulled from question banks, with automated grading.
  • The quiz tool offers a range of question types including multiple-choice, free-text answer, true/false and drag-and-drop as well as different question behaviours such as deferred or instant feedback and certainty-based marking.
  • Quizzes also feature a variety of automated workflows including customisable feedback based on responses, time and attempt limits and pass/fail tracking.
  • Alongside the quiz builder, detailed reporting offers course and training managers an insight into learner scores and answers, allowing trend analysis across individuals, groups or entire quizzes. These are all separate from the quiz options we can offer through our eLearning packages.
  • With Open Badges integration, this enables you to issue and display your own custom digital credentials. Whether you want to reward a user for completing an activity, a course or a program, the automated issuing system makes it simple to engage and motivate your learners with visible, shareable badges.
  • The certificate generator allows you to upload your organisation’s own logos, authorising signatures and watermarks to create on-brand certificates. Learners can download or print their fully personalised certificates and share with peers and managers alike.

Contact us for a free consultation