
Maximo Energy User Forum – March 2023

After a successful day of presentations at the Maximo Energy User Forum at Ardoe Hotel, Aberdeen; Managing Director Donna McWilliams shares her insights from the event.

Mike Riungu from Dana Petroleum was first up sharing their work towards improved tracking of materials. The problem was around managing direct purchase items and lack of visibility. The solution was building new functionality in Maximo for Picking Lists and Holding Lists.

Key benefits realised:

  • Improved Inventory Control
  • Visibility of materials
  • Increased use of spares inventory.

Next up was Melissa Jennings from Harbour Energy who had the room in awe at the sheer scale of their EMS project. Aside from the sheer scale of the project, the challenges they faced were mind-blowing – as well as the implementation of dual systems – Maximo (for Asset Management) and SAP (for Supply Chain) as well as 8 other interfacing systems. There were also the organisational considerations at the time with Chrysaor’s acquisition of Conoco Phillip with dual roles, different perspectives on process, different ways of operating and now 7 assets with 1200 users. And then COVID hit bang in the middle.

Key Challenges
· System Integrations
· Organisational alignment
· Process alignment
What worked well
· Every decision was logged and signed off
· Invest in the technology but need to invest in the people using it
· Got users involved in the project early on to get business input
· Process based, role specific training
· Leadership team buy in

Mel shared a great quote on reflection of the project “Everyone loves transformation but not change.”

Finishing off the day was Russell Bee sharing the latest on MAS 8 including:

  • New Operational Dashboard
  • Timescales for MAS 8.10 release and plans for future releases.
  • Key features of the new release, including Workflow Assignment (being able to initiate workflow on multiple records

All in all, another fantastic day hosted by Electra and BPD Zenith. Thanks to Ardoe House for the fabulous afternoon tea.

The next UK & Ireland Maximo User Group is at The British Antarctic Survey offices in Cambridge on the 24th and 25th May 2023. 

We always share upcoming Maximo User Group dates so sign up to our Electra newsletter or follow us on LinkedIn

To access all the presentations from December’s User Group, go to the IBM Community pages (click here). If you don’t already have an IBMId, you will need to take a couple of minutes to sign up but I’d highly recommend it as there is loads of valuable Maximo information here.

The MUG events are run by a committee of Maximo users from different industries who volunteer to keep these events going. Without their dedication and organisation these groups wouldn’t happen so a special thanks to the MUG committee.